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Improving the Performance of Route Control Middleboxes in a Competitive Environment




Multihomed subscribers are increasingly adopting intelligent route control solutions\udto optimize the cost and end-to-end performance of the traffic routed among the\uddifferent links connecting their networks to the Internet. Until recently, IRC practices\udwere not considered adverse, but new studies show that in a competitive environment,\udthey can lead to persistent traffic oscillations, causing significant performance\uddegradation rather than improvements. To cope with this, randomized IRC techniques\udwere proposed. However, the proliferation of IRC products raises concerns,\udgiven that randomization becomes less effective as the number of interfering IRC\udsystems increases. In this article, we present a more scalable route control strategy\udthat can better support the foreseeable spread of IRC solutions. We show that by\udblending randomization with adaptive filtering techniques, it is possible to drastically\udreduce the interference between competing route controllers, and this can be\udachieved without penalizing the end-to-end traffic performance. In addition to the\udpotential improvements in terms of scalability and performance, the route control\udstrategy outlined here has various practical advantages. For instance, it does not\udrequire any kind of protocol or coordination between the competing IRC middleboxes,\udand it can be adopted readily today because the only requirement is a software\udupgrade of the available route controllers.
机译:多宿主订户越来越多地采用智能路由控制解决方案来优化将其网络连接到Internet的不同链路之间路由的流量的成本和端到端性能。直到最近,IRC的做法还是没有被认为是有害的,但是新的研究表明,在竞争环境中,这会导致持续的流量波动,从而导致明显的性能下降而不是改善。为了解决这个问题,提出了随机IRC技术。但是,IRC产品的激增引起了人们的关注,因为随着干扰IRC \ udsystems数量的增加,随机化的有效性降低。在本文中,我们提出了一种更具可扩展性的路由控制策略\ ud,它可以更好地支持IRC解决方案的可预见的传播。我们证明,通过使用自适应滤波技术融合随机化技术,可以大幅度地降低竞争性路由控制器之间的干扰,并且可以在不损害端到端流量性能的情况下实现这一目标。除了在可伸缩性和性能方面的\ n潜在的改进之外,此处概述的路由控制\策略还具有各种实际优势。例如,它不需要\竞争IRC中间盒之间的任何协议或协调,\ ud并且今天可以很容易地采用,因为唯一的要求是可用路由控制器的软件\ udupgrade。



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